Saturday, March 22, 2008

Yesterday Was a Bad Day…..

I don’t know if I over did it going down stairs with my husband and sleeping for a little while, or if it was my shopping adventure with my sister, but yesterday while we were at wal-mart I got really sick; kind of light headed and dizzy. I almost collapsed once and believe me falling is one of my biggest fears. I don’t want to hurt my self; and that is exactly what would happen.

So I ended up not feeling good the rest of the day; since I had already gotten my hour and mile in so I laid in the recliner and took a bit of a nap and just rested. I need to go to Target today; they have the biggest looser scale and I am thinking about going over and buying it so I can weigh at home every week. So I don’t have to run to St. Marks hospital every time I want to weigh. The fifteen dollars I would spend on the scale would save a lot of money on gas.

I have to tell you that I am very curious about how much I have lost of any yet. For some reason I have a feeling that this isn’t going to work for me; but I am only a week out and haven’t seen any weight loss yet, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any I haven’t weighed.

My sister Sarah knows a lady that has a friend who had the surgery about three days before me and she has lost about twenty five pounds, which is all possible. I am a week out from surgery yesterday and they told me about thirty pounds my first two weeks and that would put her at a week and a half.

So I am going to talk to my husband about the scale; my mom told me she wouldn’t mind buying the more expensive one and so we are going to go in together. That would still be fifteen dollar a piece and that isn’t bad, but I want to talk to my husband before I do it. And if we go to Target I will get my walking in for the day too. It is nicer to walk around inside a store than being chased down the street by a nasty vial little chi Wawa. I am not afraid of dogs but I hate that dog; in fact they have been warned about letting it run loose; so instead of keeping it on a chain when it is out side, they wait until the neighbor hood is in bed and they let it run wild. One of these days it is going to get hit by a car; and I’m afraid that it isn’t going to be an accident.

Well I don’t really have a lot to say today; thank you all for reading my blog and sharing this incredible journey with me; it means a lot to me.

Ronda Gardner

1 comment:

Deb Williams said...

Die Chuahua DIE!!! they are like barkiing RATS!!!