Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm Going Insane.....

My incisions itch so bad today and late last night that I think that I am going to loose my mind. I try to very lightly rub them and then they just ache; so I am trying to leave them alone all together. I am concerned that some of my tapes are already about to come off and they told me that they wouldn’t for two to three weeks. So I need to call the surgeons office and ask about that. I am most concerned about the drainage hole incision because that one never had an staples or anything; it was an open wound with tape on it when I came home from the hospital and besides that It has been draining.

I was bad again last night I went down stairs and slept in my bed for a little while with my hubby; I need to be close to him. It is hard because it has been a week since surgery and I just need his touch; even if it is just holding my hand I have felt apart from him this past week. He would call me in the hospital just to talk to me; to see how I was doing and to tell me that he loved me.

I think that this hasn’t been as hard on him; but it has taken its toll. He seems very protective, well I don’t know if I would say protective of me but he just seems to be a little more aware of me and things that I am doing and not letting me over do anything. I love him and I know that he loves me, and I know that this surgery is the best thing that I could have ever done for my self; but it has been hard. I am so glad that I have him beside me holding my hand and encouraging me through this because I don’t think that I make it with out him right now. I love him more than I think he is aware of and I hope that he realizes that. He is my world.

Well I am going to cut this one short today; I get to leave the house! YEAH!!!!!! I haven’t been out since Sunday and that wasn’t a pleasant journey; I didn’t feel well and I was freezing my butt off. I am looking forward to Easter shopping with my sister, and getting my walking in for the day.

I will post again tomorrow; and thank you all for reading my blog; I know that at times they might seem tedious and repetitive but hopefully once I can start weighing there will be more exciting things to say. Right now the transition period is just rather difficult and I am so glad that I have Jackie to share these feeling with; because at one time she went through the same things, and felt the same way and it makes me happy to know that I am not the only one to go through this. Well so much for keeping it short. I love you all and thank you again for all the love, support and prayers that you have sent my way. God Bless you all, you are angels.


my--four--sons said...

Have fun shopping! But don't over do it.

Deb Williams said...

Party time! Ok so when I had my appendix out my tape came off after a week and they said that was normal as long as your wounds are good but you should ask about the drain wound I think you are doing great. just be aware of you body and watch for signs...itching means it is healing well. I learmn if you go on either side of it and itched there it workd with out toughing it and you get relief!

have fun shopping with sarah...tell her I lover her...oh and thank your hubby for blogging and keeping us up to date it was nice to be able to know how you were!