Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Nice Change…..

I called the surgeons office on Monday and was asking some questions about my diet and what I can’t and can have. There are still a few things that I am confused about. They mailed me some information about the diet and where I should be every few weeks when things change and all that fun stuff. Well as I was reading for weeks one and two; I noticed that I can have carnation sugar free instant breakfast and sugar free popsicles.

It was so nice to actually get up this morning and have something for breakfast, for breakfast instead of forcing my self to drink some chicken broth and jello. It was like heaven; I know that it sounds weird but it was very nice.

Yesterday was an emotional day for me, I received several phone calls and emails mails that touched me to the point of tears. I am so grateful to the friends and family who are completely support of me and my decision to have this surgery. I can not imagine what it would be like to be one of those people who has no one there for them through such a life changing experience. This I hard enough on its own with out love and support of those whom you care about greatly.

I have to be honest with every one: I thought that this was going to be a lot easier that it is. I think that I was too cocky going into this; I thought that because I have so many friends who have done this, and that because I have talked to a lot of people and read a lot of books that I was prepared for what ever this surgery would bring. Well…..I was definitely wrong. I was not ready for the changes that my body was going to go under, I wasn’t prepared for all the emotions that I was going to be over whelmed with.

While I was preparing for the surgery I did learn a lot about myself. I did not know that I was as strong as I ended up being, I learned that I had a lot more power than I thought I had. I have also grown spiritually as well as mentally; even though I am having a hard time dealing with some of my emotions right at the moment.

I fell fantastic right no; I haven’t felt this good in a long time and I am excited at the thought that it is only going to get better. I am excited about what the future holds; I wait to start seeing the changes in my self, I cant wait to see the weight start melting off. I
cant wait to be skinny! I know that I have said this before and I will said probably a million more times, I can not wait to be skinny.

I want to thank every one for all there thoughts and prayers; they have been felt and appreciated more than you can know. I am so very fortunate to have so many wonderful friends and family who are there for me. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart I hope that some day I can repay all of you for your kindness and love. You are all the greatest!

Ronda Gardner

1 comment:

Deb Williams said...

Sexy mama...we should come up with some good new nick names like model chick and slim!