Friday, March 7, 2008

Final Count Down!

I tried to blog yesterday but my computer was being stupid and wouldn’t let me access Blogger; it kept telling me that my Java script was disabled but I could play a game. My computer lately has had a mind of its own.

Well, I went to St. Marks hospital yesterday and met with the director of the Bariatric unit and went through the Life Styles class. I have to tell you she didn’t tell me anything that I didn’t already know. I learned stuff about how life is going to be after surgery; she talked to me about utilizing the tools that they give me that it will help me more success with my surgery. It was very informational but like I said that at the same time it was allot of repeat from what I learned at weight watchers.

I hope that the stuff that I am learning now I can use when I have children; and hopefully teach them how to eat healthy and that food is merely for survival and not for comfort. I know that it is not my parent’s fault that I have a weight problem; they have tried to help me loose weight. They have done everything that they could to help me; I have dieted and had some success but have never been able to keep it off for longer than 1 year or more.

After I met with the Director I met with the Nutritionist; I think it is possible that she is the thinnest person I have ever met. She talked to me about the diet and what I am going to be able to eat. She said that after I have surgery, if you put your thumbs together from your knuckle to the tip of your thumbs is how big my stomach is going to be. I will only be able to eat between 3 to 4 tablespoons of food at a meal. I can’t not drink for a half hour before I eat; I am supposed to take a half hour to eat and there is no drinking what while eating; and no water for a half hour after I eat. So I can’t have water for an hour and a half. But I still am supposed to drink 62 ounces of water a day. It is insane I am going to be drinking water from the minute I get out of bed until the minute I go back to bed. I’m going to be spending a lot of time in the bath room.

All that I have left to do is go for my pre-op appointment tomorrow with Dr. Belnap at 5:30, Sunday I have to go back up to St. Marks for one final Lab to be drawn and then I am back home to drink that nasty stuff to clean out my bowls. I have decided that I am going to stay up as late as possible Sunday night so I can sleep in really late Monday morning so I don’t have a lot of time to think about everything.

I am scheduled for surgery at 2:00 and have to be at the hospital by 1:00. I am really excited, scared, anxious, happy; excited you would think that some one would explode feeling all these things at once. I want to thank all of you who read my blog everyday for your support. Esp. you Debbie and Melanie your comments and support really help me. This is so hard and I don’t think that I could make it through this with out your love and support. You are great!

There may not be a post for a few days past Monday I will try to see if my husband will blog for me and let you all know how surgery went. But once I am hoe from the hospital I will be here every day letting you all know how things are going.

Thank you
Ronda Gardner Wakka Wakka Spaz


Deb Williams said...

we will keep you in our prayers so that you feel calm and that all goes well! love you and your awesome for all your hard work!

my--four--sons said...

You have to keep us posted the best you can. I will be thinking of you tomorrow