Wednesday, March 26, 2008

this picture was taken on the tenth of March, the day that I was supposed to have surgery.
This picture was taken tonight the twenty sixth of march

I was trying to wear something that fit so that the difference was more noticeable. I am really excited about all the changes that are happening to me. It is very exciting I will keep every one updated on the changes. I don't know if I mentioned this before but I am going to be keeping a photo journal so that I can look back and see the changes that I am going through. It is almost a shame that I have no health problems to watch changes; well I do have sleep apnea and it is going to be nice not to have to sleep on my Cpap machine any more; it will be nice not to snore any more.

Oh and I got good news today, my dads friend own Golds Gym and he asked him what he could do for me with a membership. Well my dad told me tonight that he gave me a FREE year membership and said that he was very proud of me. I am excited, I can't wait to go and start working out.

Well I am off for the night and will check back in tomorrow. Have a wonderful night!

Love you all
Ronda Gardner


my--four--sons said...

I can totally see changes. I like that you are posting pics. Oh and that ROCKS you got a free gym membership. That will help you so much to have that available.

Deb Williams said...

Wow cool I use togo t the gym and get on the low seat bikes and read and when i was in collage study! it is nice I still retained waht I learn when I was there because of the excess of oxygen to the brain I was studying the hips and the namesof the bones...that was 10 yrs ago! sorry taht was ramdom...Cool beans on the membership!

Unknown said...

Oh girl, I started walking on the treadmill when I was 5wks post op. I actually started walking around my neighborhood at 2wks post op. But the gym membership came at 5wks. Work out as much as you can (cardio & weights eventually once Dr. Belnap says it's OK) & pray you can avoid reconstructive/plastic surgery for the excess skin. I also want to tell you that the video blog is an excellent idea to keep track of your physical changes. I love reading this blog & reading about the emotional changes. I love you! xoxoxoxox