Friday, February 1, 2008

Bread - An Evil Food

I have been doing really good on my diet, but the first week that I was on it I noticed that I didn't have an upset stomach, no gas I felt really good.

This week; I haven't been feeling so good, I have had an upset stomach all week. I was thinking and trying to figure out what I was doing differant, when I realized that it is because I have added Bread back to my diet. Granted it is home made whole wheat bread, it still has Gluten in it. I need to be tested for Celiac's Disease, but if I cut bread out of my diet again they wont be able to find it. So I don't know what to do.

So I think that I am going to cut it back out for now, and start eating the way I did the first week on my diet. It is really nice not too feel sick to my stomach and I felt really good. I have a lot of stomach and digestive problems and I wish that I didn't, but I get them from my mom and grandma.

I am almost disapointed in my self even though I know I shouldn't be. I feel like I am not doing well because I AM feeling sick, I feel like I am doing something wrong. I just need to look back at last week and re-evaluate what I am doing this week and change things. I am going to pray hard that I still loose this week. I am thinking about going to the GoodEarth and by some Aloe Vera, theirs is concentrated and it works better and you take less of it.

I need to listen to my body, it will tell me what it needs and doesn't need. And it is definatly telling me that it does not need bread. Right now it is telling me that it wants wendy's and I am fighting the craving really bad. I think that I just need the fat, I have been cutting out all most all of my fats and I was told that, I need some and that it isn't good to cut them all out.

AAHHH I am going to beat this craving, if I can pass up "Better Than Sex" cake and "Cheese Cake" I can conquore this one.

Thanks for letting me ramble, and for all of the great comments and words of Encouragment. I really means a lot to me!

Ronda Froggie

1 comment:

Deb Williams said...

Im praying for ya ronda..i know how hard it is!