Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I Need Some Sleep!

I am very tiered today! But I have been trying to kick it up a notch and the last couple of days I have been eating NO carbs; and let me tell you that it is very hard. I have been very dizzy and nauseated, but when I go up to weigh I want to have a big loss again. I know that if I don't have a big loss it is okay I will eventually loose the 40 lbs that I need too. I am doing really good.

I am still craving Wendy's, and I don't know why. When I eat there I get really sick so it makes no since to me. May be I need to go and eat there and allow my self to get sick and then I will get it out of my system. It is the beef that I am craving, I haven't had allot of it lately. I have been sticking to Chicken and Turkey and tuna mostly.

I am doing good right now, I feel good and possitive and I know that I am going to succeed. All of the possitive comments and feed back that I am getting is really helping allot. Melanie, Debbie I know that we can do this together, we can keep in touch and just give moral support to one another. I know that having a strong support group really helps almost more than anything.

Thank You so much! I love all of you

Here is a fun picture from last year on Hallies Birthday.
From left to right: Shawna, Shawnelle, Sarah, Ronda and Hallie!


my--four--sons said...

Love the pic!!! You guys are silly:)) I totally think we should help each other. I know I do better when I feel like I have a little support. That is half of the reason I decided to blog about my weight loss goals. Keep up the good work!

Deb Williams said...

I love the pic CUTE CUTE CUTE..I am missing so much. I think that if you eat some beef you might quit craving wendys. Maybe you should have a lean hamberger and see how you do. that is protien you know! that might help! and not go to wendys and see if that helps calm the craving!