Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Wow 20 Days to Go!

Wow 20 Days to Go!

I can’t believe that I only have twenty days until surgery, if of course I can manage too loose that last twenty pounds. I only have to loose one pound a day, that’s not too much! Bugging Out I can do it, no problem right? Well I will let you know how much of a problem that it will be after I weight tomorrow!

I a little nervous about being put out, I need to call the hospital (UVRMC) and request my medical records from my Gallbladder surgery, because I had some serious problems with anesthetic. I went into surgery at eight in the morning and didn’t come out of the anesthetic until almost ten o’clock that night. So this is the only thing that I am worried about.

I am just going to stay positive and pray that every thing goes well and that there aren’t any problems. Keep your fingers crossed that I have a big loss this week (not counting on it) and that things keep moving the way that they are supposed to.

This is not the time to loose faith and give up. I have come way too far to slip up or to
give up now! My mom didn’t raise me to be a quitter, I am going to see this through unless a higher power stops me in my tracks and then I will know that I am not supposed to have it.

As for any one who is thinking about having weight loss surgery, really, really think about it. This isn’t something to go into lightly; this is a very long and hard road. It is seriously a life change; you HAVE to change your eating habits and so many other things. I know with my surgeon if I do not every little thing that he asks me to do he will not allow me to have surgery.

This is a serious procedure and it can be life threatening. I have talked to allot of people who have had the surgery; some who succeeded and also some who have not and area now heavier than they were before. So there are both good and bad; I have also talked to people who have not been able to stop loosing weight and have had to be hospitalized. So the advice that I would give to any one is to do your home work and talk to people.

Debbie this suggestion is for you; don’t talk to Dee about it she is very against it. Well not against it but she says that it didn’t work for Shelly and so it doesn’t work. My friend Jackie has told me that it isn’t the surgery that fails to work; it is the person. I am not saying any thing bad about any one, I love Shelly this is just what I have seen; learned and have been told.

Well I am going to go for the night I have lots of Stampin’Up! Stuff to do! I want to thank all of you for the support, Esp. Debbie and Melanie your comments are helping me a lot. Thank you for the love and support.

Ronda Gardner


my--four--sons said...

Good Luck at your weigh in!!!

Deb Williams said...

You wilol be fine! I would totally look into it first. I was actually not for it untill having kids and getting sick made me go way over waight. I dont eat unhealthey it is like My bodies motabolism is in reverse I know I need to search but I am starting to CONSIDER it. Thanks for being concerned about me. Josh can look at Diet soda and loose weight. Like recently he got a little busier at work and started drinking diet soda and lost 50 LBS yes I am not kidding I hate guys!it makes me frustrated because I oreder salads for dinner when we go out he gets the greasiest stufff and I gain the weight! ARRGGHHH I just think that I need to do someting before I it is to late. I am not going out like Grandma!!!! I am even walking and eating better I am trying to cut sugars out and eat more protein. I guess only time will tell! I say you will be great at your weigh in and...ronda prayer works and when you do your part the lord will do his!So remember you have a supreme being on your side!