Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A Quick Post....

I went back to work today and I tried to work full time and it was too much. By Twelve o'clock I was ready to go home. So for the rest of the week I am going to work part time, I will go in at eight and work until noon. That will allow me to be home and help my father if he needs help. I will tell you that story in a bit.

I did better today the only problem that I have had is being tired. That is because I did too much; but everything is getting better. I have actually been able to tolerate sugar substitutes which makes things a little better, its helps me be able to put propel in my water to help me drink my water a little better.

Yesterday I thought that I had a bad day; my father had a worse day. I got a strange phone call from my fathers cell phone, but it wasn't my father. The man on the other end of the phone asked me who I was I told him that I was Ronda Gardner he told me that he had the wrong number. That right there sent red flags off, A wrong number on my fathers phone I started to worry. Well I call the club house and asked them if they could transfer me to the shop and they told me that my dad was out.

Well not even ten minutes later my mom called me and told me that my dad had, had a seizure at work and they were taking him to the hospital. she said that Jake called her and told her that he found my father laying face down in a huge puddle of blood. We are not sure that my dad had a Seizure, we are thinking that he black out and landed on his face. Well needless to say that my dad looks like he went face to face with Mike Tyson, he has two black eyes a huge bump on is forehead, his nose is swollen thy think that he may have broke the tip of his nose but they can 't do any thing for it, it will eventually heal on its own.

When he was at the hospital they checked his dilantin levels and they were down to three and that is dangerous. Instead of doing anything for him they sent him and told him to take two Dilantin when he got home. Well they were even in bed twenty minutes until he had a seizure, so my poor mother was up most of the night. It is hard to sleep when you wake up to your husband crying out because he is going into a seizure; I know my husband is Epileptic. Well I was getting ready to get up this morning for work and I was dragging a bit when all of a sudden I heard a big thump, and then some smaller thumps.

The first thing that crossed my mind was that my dad was having a seziure. Well he was and my mom didn't even notice, she thought that it was me slamming the door. We ended up having to call 911 and having an ambulance sent out. Well they decided to take him to the hospital; the Dr. at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center gave him a Dilantin IV and said that would up is levels.

They brought him home from the hospital and he slept most of the afternoon and did okay.
But they think that they discovered what depleted his levels, he has been doing the six week body make over, what ever its called and they think that the supplements that you take on the diet did it. He didn't have problems until he started taking them. So not only can my mom not do the diet because her doctor said no, neither can my father. I am sure that the diet is good; it just Inst good for them.

Well so that has been the last twenty four hours at house and no matter how horrible I feel my poor dad is worse. I love him and it really bothers me to see him weak like that, he is so vulnerable when he has a seizure.

Thank you all for reading my blog and for all the love and support that you have given me.
God Bless

Ronda Gardner


Deb Williams said...

not that i am horrible but you have to take a picture of your dad...you may look back or want pics to show your dads battle wounds...plus "chicks dig it" you sound like you are doing good. the more you get into your routin the more back to nirmal feeling youll get! tell your dad we love him and are thinking of him and we will keep you all in our prays!

Ronda Gardner said...

We did take pics and I will email them too you, every day he gets worse, its great! you know my dad he is very accident prone, but I love him. I will give him your love. Appreantly Russ came over last night and gave him a beautiful comfort and guidens blessing and that really helped him. Love ya

Ronda Gardner said...

how did you put your pick on your thing so that it shows up when you post a comment? I'm not the only one who wants to know?

my--four--sons said...

OMG that is horrible. I am sending speedy recovery vibes to your dad!