Saturday, November 8, 2008

President Elect, Barack Obama

When this Presidential campaign began, I did not know what I thought about the changes that we were facing. We had a Vietnam veteran, a Female who is in search for as much power has she can achieve a Black man who is very young and does not seem to have a lot of experience and Mormon that got a lot of bad press because of his religion. I was not sure what I thought about that.

I did know one thing; if Hillary Clinton won office, I was moving as far away from the United States as possible. I did not really like McCain; I felt that some of his policies were not strong enough and he was not focusing on what I thought was important. Obama has some great ideas and I liked many of his policies. However, let me tell you what my problem was; I heard some many things about him that made me uneasy, I do not feel like as a country we received adequate answers to some of those allegations. Even know after he as won Office and is our next President there are still disconcerting accusations about him.

I like Barack Obama I just wish that I felt a little better about some of the things that we are hearing about him. I am whiling to give him the benefit of the doubt; he may surprise us and be one of the best presidents that we have ever had. I think that it is great that this country elected a Black man to office, it says a lot about us as a people. It speaks volumes we have grown and this country is ready for a change. History makes it’s self; and this election history was made and I am glad that I am able to say that I was alive to see it happen.

I am disgusted at how much racism and prejudice is still alive today; I thought that we got over that many years ago but it is still a live today. The fact there are white supremacist that are threatening his life just makes my skin crawl; I don’t care who he is or what he has done he does not deserve to be treated the way that the weak minded people of this country are treating him.

So why don’t we give him a chance to prove him self before we going judging him. Give him a chance to do what he promised before we go labeling him. I think that if we can make it through eight years of Mister Bill “I can’t keep my dick in my pants” Clinton; honestly can President Elect Obama Be half as bad? I know that this post is going to get me some nasty comments and there may be a lot of hostility towards me, but as a United States Citizen I have, the right to Freedom Of Speech and this is how I feel. Therefore, I guess that if this has upset you do not read it or just ignore what I said and let me have my say.



my--four--sons said...

I couldn't have said it better. I think you summized exactly what I am feeling too. All we can really do is wait and see. It's wierd because I am excited and scared all at the same time to see what is going to happen.

Deb Williams said...

You have to be excited about the fact that our country is moving forward and we in our lives get to see the first black president! You can be any politacl party and know that this is a big step in our country. I may be a little worried about the democrates running house senate and the white house...because it gives them ultimalte power..But again I am Still excited that as a country we have stepped up and pick a president that most didnt ever think would happen. This election was so historical no matter how you look at it. It brought that idea that the first woman president, the first black president, and tht first woman vice president could have happend!!! That alone is amasing!