Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Forbidden Love

I saw him from across the room,
He mesmerized me with his eyes.
He looked angry and confused,
He acted as though he hated me.

I have never felt like this before,
I am weary and excited all at once.
I want nothing more than to get to know him
However, he is on guard and hesitant to let me in.

The more he pushes me away,
The more I want to be close to him.
I want to know what he is thinks and how he is feeling
He fascinates me more than is safe.

He tells me that he is dangerous
That I would be smarter to walk away,
That it is dangerous to have him near me
That I would be happier with out him.

He does not understand that I cannot be away from him
That he makes me feel alive, and free.
He is the heart that beats in my chest
He is the wind that is beneath my wings.

The touch of hands on my skin
Sends chills racing up and down my spin,
When he gently kisses my lips
I am helpless and out of breathe.

He is all that I want for the rest of my life,
Our loves feels the empty void inside.
He is my heart, my life and light
I would give up mortality to be with him for eternity!

Ronda Gardner

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