Saturday, June 14, 2008

Random thoughts…

There isn’t a whole lot I can say about my weight loss right now with out sounding like a broken record. There are only so many things that can say to describe how you feel; how your life has changed so much. There are so many things that I want to say to Dr. Belnap; to tell him thank you for the chance at life he has given me and how very grateful I am for everything that he has done for me, it is amazing.

I can not begin to tell all of you how wonderful I feel; and about the miraculous changes that have occurred since I had surgery. I have noticed a lot of changes with my body, granted my knees and feet still hurt but I know that is because I need to have surgery on them; it isn’t because of my weight that they hurt, but my back no longer hurts and that is awesome!

I am tired all of the time but I have been told that; that will get better with time. It seems that the nights that I go to the gym it doesn’t matter what time I go to bed it is never early enough, especially if I lift weights I am really tiered and it takes two days catch up on sleep. But I feel better after I’ve worked out; it is a great feeling when you are sore after a good work out, there is nothing better.

I also having to say that the love and support that I have gotten from all of my wonderful friends and family has been great. There are days that I didn’t think that I was going to make it through and then I would get on my blog and read the comments from all of you and it made things so much better. Thank you all for so much.

I am now down to one hundred and six pounds and it is like a dream, I have never lost this much weight at once. I am looking to the future and the only experiences that lay a head of me. There are so many things that I am looking forward to doing and I can’t wait to start doing them.

Thank you all so much for the love and support.


my--four--sons said...

You are doing awesome!

Deb Williams said...

you are half the woman you use to be... :D Just kidden...CDoncratsI know you well keep it up and kick that fat in the BUTT!

Chelsea + Brandon said...

I'm so proud of you Ronda! What gym do you go to?? Maybe we could go together some time! PS.. I love you.. PPS.. Do you mind if I add you to my friends list? I think you are such an inspiration. :)