Sunday, May 4, 2008

I Feel Really Lazy This Week……

I have had a bad week; I haven’t really felt that great I have been tired and really run down. I didn’t go to the Gym once this week and that makes me feel really lazy. So I am going to make some changes to my diet that I think will help me get over this rough patch that I am in.

I know that I have not completely hit a plateau; but I have really hit a slump. This past week I only lost one pound and that is very frustrating. I know they say that if you always do the same things that your body is going to get used to what you are doing and you aren’t going to loose. So I have decided that this week I am going to walk at work during lunch, that will give me thirty minutes of walking in and hopefully I will get to where I can walk a mile or more in that time. Then when I go to the gym I am going to rotate the day I go; one day I am going to ride the bikes and then the next day I am going to walk on the treadmill.

I have got to get over this slump that I am in; I am also going to start making sure that I journal everything that I eat and keep track of everything. I need to start watching everything to see what I am doing and what I need to do to change things to help my self loose weight. I know that I also need to start drinking more water and that will also help me loose weight as well. I know that water is good for you but I really am having a very hard time right now drinking it. I really am trying but it is really hard; I do well until I eat lunch and after lunch I have a difficult time with getting enough water.

Here are some of the benefits of drinking water:

Improve your energy
Increase your mental and Physical Performance
Remove Toxins and waste products from your body
Keep skin healthy and glowing
Help you loose weight
Reduces headaches and dizziness
Allow for proper digestion
Help you keep more alkaline

Tips for drinking water:

You are naturally thirsty i.e. “dehydrated” in the morning . . . help your body flush out the toxins it has been processing all night and take advantage of this thirst to get a “leg up” on your daily water requirements by drinking a glass of water first thing.

If you are cold drink warm water instead of dehydrating coffee & tea

Don't wait until you're thirsty to have a drink – you are already dehydrated if you feel thirsty.

Set a timer to remind yourself to establish a habit of drinking water and keep a bottle of water with you at all times.

Compensate for diuretics . . . thieves that steal water from your body. If you drink coffee, tea, or sodas with caffeine, you'll need to drink a few extra glasses of water to make up for the water that these diuretic beverages "leech" from your system.

I know that I have a hard time getting into good habits for drinking water; I know that I feel better when I drink lots of water. I hope that the tips that I found help every one out. Any time I come across good information that helps me I will pass it on to every one. I know that not every one needs to loose weight; but every one needs to develop healthier habits for every day life.

Thank you all for reading my blog and for the love and support that all of you have shown me; it means a lot to me!


1 comment:

Deb Williams said...

good tips and Info you should poet those on the other blog as well!!!