Friday, May 23, 2008

Weigh in Day…

I am a little nervous to weigh tomorrow; I have had a good week even though I have added a meal to my day and I have been drinking protein drinks which have really been helping me more than anything. I have added vegetable to my diet and I think that; that has been helping a lot too, getting some extra vitamins.

Wednesday when I went to the gym I rode the exercise bike like I have been doing the last couple of weeks. Well I decided to put the envelope a little bit and I went an hour instead of fifty minutes; I got my heart rate up to one hundred and sixty three and I felt amazing. About twenty minutes into my work out I was getting really tired and my legs were starting to hurt and I just kept telling my self to push through it. I did and it felt great after words; I actually sweated on Wednesday when I worked out my shirt down the back was soaked. I also burned four hundred calories; I am not sure if it is because of the work out on Wednesday night or the stuff that I have been drinking but I urinated like crazy yesterday. I know they say that the high you get your heart rate the better then work out you get and the more fat you burn.

I am looking forward to going to the gym tomorrow; I really like going even though there are times that I really have to force my self to leave the house and go but after I get there it is great. It makes me feel good; I feel like I am contributing to my weight loss even though I haven’t lost a lot the last few weeks. I am hoping that I will get through this slump soon and start going down again.

This is the most weight that I have ever lost in my entire life at once. When I stop to think about how much weight I have lost since January 19, 2008 it still blows my mind; I can’t believe that I have lost ninety three pounds this year. I am doing well and I feel great; it is really weird I didn’t know that I had such a long neck, and my bottom is really getting smaller and it makes me very happy.

Well there is a lot more that I could talk about right now but I need to get ready to take Mark to the Dentist. I will Blog again late. I hope that you all have a good night and god bless you all. Thank you all for the love and support.


1 comment:

Deb Williams said...

sounds like you are doing great! Rock on super star!