Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Am a Slacker…..

Everyday I come home from work with the intentions of blogging and then it never happens. I usually end up lying down and taking a nap or I am too lazy to move the stuff away from my computer so that I can get too it. So I haven’t been blogging because there isn’t any thing to say; I am just too lazy too do it. Because there are so many things that I could say I just haven’t done it.

Things are still going great; I can’t believe that tomorrow I am going to be Seven weeks out. Can you believe that seven weeks ago I had this surgery? Wow it has gone so fast, the crazy thing is that I already feel so great I can’t imagine what I am going too feel like in four months. I can’t wait to see what I look like, I know that I have said it before I can’t wait to see what I am going to look like when I am skinny. It is going to be nice; I have had a change in mind set over the past few weeks; I like to make my self look nice I like to dress up and look pretty. I want people to notice me when I am out in public.

I just feel so good about my self I want people to see that. It really makes me feel good when people tell me that I look good; and that I am doing a great job. I can tell you that this has not been the easiest thing that I have ever done. It is been rather hard but I can honestly tell you that it has been worth everything that I have gone through. I am going to have a chance to live life to the fullest and hopefully do some of the things that I have always been dreaming of doing.

It is the simple things that people take for granted that I am looking forward to the most. I can’t wait until I can go out side and play Soccer with my nephews or go hiking with my husband. It is so nice to be able to go out and walk around and not get winded or after about five ten minutes of walking being so tired that I am done and ready to go home. I can’t wait to go to the zoo this summer with my nieces and nephews when my best friend Jackie is here with her girls.

I am thinking about not doing water aerobics for a little while; I haven’t gone this week yet because I haven’t felt well and I have noticed that I have not been nearly as itchy since I haven’t gone. Gold’s Gym puts so much Chlorine in there pool that it eats my skin and it drives me crazy, I even shower before I leave the gym and it doesn’t help at all. I want to start doing Pilates I have been told that they work really good; I have also been told that they are really hard but I want to do anything that I can so that I don’t have to have plastic surgery to have any skin removed. I am not vain but I do not want to have to deal with extra skin; I think that if it isn’t too bad that I won’t worry about it. No one but me and my husband are going to see me naked so I don’t even care.

Mark loves me just the way that I am so that and that makes all this that much easier. He told me before I had surgery that I didn’t have to do this for him; which is really good because I didn’t do this for him I did it for me. But it makes me feel very good to know that he loves me as I am and the he loves me unconditionally. I am really lucky I have a wonderful loving and gentle husband; some times I don’t think that I deserve him because I can be very difficult to live with. I am trying very hard to be a sweet loving wife and I have to tell you that I am not very good at it. I hope that he knows that I love him and I am so grateful that he is mine.

Thank you all for the love and support that I have received from all of you. I don’t think that I will ever been able to thank you all enough. You are all wonderful!

Ronda Gardner


my--four--sons said...

I am glad you posted. I was wonderig how things were going for you. So where are the pictures you promised? Oh yeah and pilates is very hard. So I hope you like it.

Deb Williams said...

sounds like things are great for you I am so happy for you...I know how hard it is to be really big and its is my reality right now! Im glad you are gertting to a good place!