Sunday, May 18, 2008


This is me on January 19, 2008 the day after I met with Dr. Belnap for my pre-op. He told me that he wanted me to loose fourty pounds before surgey. In this photo I weighed four hundred and seventeen pounds and was miserable.
This picture was taken on May 13, 2008 I am eight weeks post-op and now weigh three hundred and twenty seven pounds. I feel like a new person and every one keeps telling me that I am going to feel better and better the more weight that comes off. I wasn't going to tell any one how much a weighed just yet but that is behind me and I want people to see the differance in me and too see how well I am doing. I am not ashamed of my self I am pround of how far I have come and how well I am doing. I am glad that I had the surgery; and would not go back and do any thing differantly.

I am putting two pictures here; the one they took of me when I first started my diet to prepare for surgery and the one that was taken last Sunday. There is a Ninety Two pound difference between the two pictures. It feels good to be able to look in the mirror and see the difference in my self; my double chin is gone; my dimples are more defined infact the other day I was told that every day I look more and more like my mother. That in its self makes me very happy; I look like Grandma Tom (Hard) but I also have some of my mothers features; I look like two of the most beautiful women in the world.

1 comment:

Deb Williams said...

you are a hotty patottie!!!