Thursday, May 29, 2008

An Advocate….

Amber from my surgeon’s office called me Tuesday afternoon to ask me a question. They have some patients who are getting ready to have surgery; but they have to loose forty pounds before Dr. Belnap with allow them to have surgery. I know that feels because I have been there.

Well Amber called me to ask me if I would be an advocate for there office; if I would be whiling to talk to these patients and try and help them to get on course. Let them know that it is possible and that it can be done because I did it. It was hard I will admit it; but I wanted to have surgery and it isn’t like Dr. Belnap does it to be mean because he doesn’t; he wants to see if you are whiling to follow directions and do everything that is asked of you, and he wants to eliminate the chance of complications. Losing the weight makes things easier for the surgeon because your liver and other organs shrink; and it makes your recovery so much better.

I am really excited that they asked me to do this; I am really looking forward to being able to help some one reach their goals. I know how important it is to some one in my position; I know desperate you feel when you are preparing and the date is getting closer. I have been there and I know how hard it is. I know how hard it is just too loose weight. It is the most horrible feeling; it can be so discouraging and so difficult to stay motivated and to stay strong and keep doing what it is that you are supposed to do.

I know that it really helped me a lot when I was going to weight watchers to write down my goals for the week. Some weeks they would stay the same and some times they would change; but I always focused my goals on things that I was struggling with. I also found and used inspirational thoughts and quotes. I found that this also helped me a lot too.
Two of the quotes that I really liked and used a lot are “I can do hard things” and then the one that I really like is “A journey of a thousands miles begins with one step” I had that written down where I could always see it.

So I talk to Amber about my weight loss slowing down and she told me not to worry about it; she also told me to change my exercise routine they want me to start doing circuits at the gym, they want me to ride the bike for fifteen min then the treadmill for fifteen minutes and do that until I get forty five minutes on each machine. Last night I did the random mode on the bike it was up and down hill, I also had it set on level ten so you can say that I got a good work out. I went sixty minutes I went twelve miles got my heart rate up to one hundred and seventy one and burned four hundred and twenty five calories. When I got down my hair was dripping with sweat and I felt great.

All I can say for those of you who are trying too loose weight try to switch things up; don’t continue to do the same things. Add more water to your diet; I was told that you should drink at least a gallon of water a day. Keep your head up and keep on keeping on; things will get easier one day and the weight will start coming off again.

Thank you all for the love and support!


Deb Williams said...

that is really cool! you are totally inspiring!!!!

my--four--sons said...

Thanks! You blog really hit home for me today. You are totally inspiring. Great advice.