Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tis’ The Season…..

Every year at Christmas time I am filled with the spirit of Compassion and Love. God’s Presence is all around us in everything that we do, and say. I find my self wanting to reach out and help the homeless mother who doesn’t have any where for her children to sleep, and to be able to give the beggar enough money to get a warm meal and a warm safe place to sleep.

There is so much degradation and loss in the world around us that it makes my soul cry and my heart bleed for everyone who doesn’t have what I have. Even though we go through our rough patches, we have what we need to be able to live. My parents are wonderful and let is stay in there basement, and as grateful as I am to them I want more than anything to have a place of my own. I don’t think that they will ever know just how grateful I am to them and how much I truly love them, they are angles and I know that they love me or I would be sleeping in my car.

I know that life isn’t always going to be easy, It was never meant to be easy.. We face trials on a daily basis no matter how big or small they are there. They help us to become the people who we are meant to be. We can’t grow and advance in this life if it were a bowl of cherries and we never had to worry about a thing and always had everything handed to us on a silver platter.

There are thousands of families apart this Christmas because there mother, father, husband, wife or child is over sea’s fighting in the war against terrorism. There are even thousands more than that who will never spend another Christmas with their loved one’s because they are no longer with us in this world; because their lives came to a tragic and horrific end or it was just there time to go on. The thought of children getting up on Christmas morning, having one of there parent’s absent from this world, brings a tear to my eyes.

My best friends family, The Hutchison family is one of those families who are facing there first Christmas with out there beloved mother. She passed a way five months ago and it left a huge gaping whole in all of our lives; and I pray that the sweet and tender mercies of the lord with be with their family and any other family who has had the loss of a loved one this year.

Christmas to me is the perfect time to celebrate our saviors birth, The most priceless gift that any one could ask for or receive. Lets not forget to take a moment this holiday season to stop and reflect on the life of Jesus Christ our Savior and remember the ultimate sacrifice that he made for us. It is through him that we will all have life eternal, and will conquer death. Through him all things are possible, if we only but open the door and allow him into our lives we will want for nothing.

Let Christ into your heart, let him carry your burdens; he has once already in the form of a cross. He’s burdens are light and he will give rest to your soul. I want to wish every one a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, A Happy Kwanzaa, or just a Happy Holidays.

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