Monday, August 3, 2009


I have been out of touch with everything, I am feeling a little detached from myself and trying to figure everything out. I am trying to decide what diet I am going to follow too help me get the rest of this annoying weight off, I am going to start doing pilates and walking at break again at work.

I just feel rather lazy and I rather feel like a failure, I know that I'm not but that is how I am feeling right now. I have done great thus far and I am going to continue to do good. If I can loose another seventy pounds I would be happy. I have been having a hard time finding things that I want to eat these days and have come up with a couple of my own recipes. I think that they are good, other people might not but I will type up my recipes and post them on my blog. I hope that you all will enjoy them.

I am going to get back to blogging regularly and I need to get things going again. I did better when I was blogging and getting encouraging words from all of you. I love you all and the support means more to me than I thought that it did. Thank you all and I hope that you have a wonder night.


1 comment:

Deb Williams said...

Hey what happen the the regular thing??? Where are you we miss you....Damn face book is so distracting!!!!