Saturday, March 14, 2009

One-Year Anniversary….

I cannot believe that today is March 14, 2009; one year ago, today I had my life changing surgery. I do not regret having surgery; but out of all the lessons that I have learned through out my life, Do not regret the past. How can I regret the fact that I feel absolutely AMAZING, I look pretty good as well.

If there is anything that I regret, it is the stress that I have been under the last eight months. I am not one of those people who loose weight when I am stressed out, I actually gain; but right now I am staying the same so I can’t complain much about that either. I would like to loose another seventy pounds but I think that I am actually going to have to earn that weight loss. They say that you only loose about 70% of your weight the first year and I feel good about what I have done.

Wow, is all I can say about the last year; it has been bloody amazing and I wouldn’t go back and redo it for anything in the world. There are maybe a few things that I would change, but not the surgery. I want to thank all of you who have been there for me over the last year; thank you for all the love and support that you have shown me through this difficult time. It has helped more than you know; I hope that I can return the favor some day! I love you all Thank you!

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