Sunday, October 12, 2008

My First Support Group....

I went up for my sixth month appointment yesterday and it went really well. We had a support group and it was really nice. We talked about how our family and friends treat us and act since we had surgery. It is really nice to know that I'm not the only one going through some of what I am going through.

I also learned that even though we all had a gastric bypass, we are all at different stages. Some of us are farther out than others and have lost more than some one who is out farther out than us. It helps me to remember not to compare my weight loss to any bodies else's because we are all different and we all have our own special health problems that we need to learn how to deal with in our journey to health.

I need to go to the Doctor and have some urine test run because my kidneys aren't functioning properly and I am in a lot of pain and I think that I am going to die. My back hurts all the time, and I know that I have passed a lot of stones lately. I also feel like I have a constant bladder infection, and it burns to urinate. So this is what I am having problems with right now. I am going to the Dr. on the 20th of this month to get things taken care of too see if we can get to the bottom of the problem.

I love you all and couldn't do this with out your love and support!

1 comment:

Deb Williams said...

OUCH kindey pains suck! I hope you feel better soon!!!

I miss you!