Thursday, June 26, 2008

Life is Lovely….

Well I went to the doctor this afternoon for my migraines and to talk to him about birth control. Dr Belnap doesn’t want me to get pregnant for two years; he wants to make sure that I am recovered and that it is safe for me to have a baby. I don’t think that I need it; I have faith that I wont get pregnant until it is my time, and I know that if I were to get pregnant that everything would be how its was supposed to be. But I will do what the surgeon wants me to do.

I know that I say it all the time; I feel so good I can’t believe all of the wonderful changes that I am going through, it is amazing. I have never been so happy; I am not saying that loosing weight is making me happy I am saying that being healthier and not being in nearly as much pain makes life so much easier. I can’t believe that I can also go to the gym and push my self to the point that I think that I would die, and I actually feel great!

I know that I had a lot of friends and family who did not want me to have this surgery; but it is the best thing that I have ever done for myself. I have a quality of life that I haven’t had in a long time and it is incredible. I am happy with the results and I don’t regret one minute of it. There are times when some thing happens and it makes life difficult and I wish that there was an easier way to deal with things, but as soon as the problem passes everything’s better; I have my ups and downs but in the whole life’s

I had one of the best surgeons in the Midwest; he is a wonderful compassionate, kind and caring man. I know that he cares about me and that he loves me and only wants’ what’s best for me. I am glad that I chose to go to Legrand Belnap and I would tell any one that was talking about having a gastric bypass to go to him. I also had a wonderful experience at ST. Marks Hospital and would go back there for anything that I needed to have done.

Thank you all for the love and support that you have shown me, it means a lot to me and it has helped so much. Thank you!



my--four--sons said...

I'm glad things are going good for you. We need some more pics soon :)

Ronda Gardner said...

Sarah just bought me some new clothes I think that I am going to have my mom take some pictures of me in them and I will put them on the blog. They are cute and really colorful; I guess she thinks I need some color in my life! She told me that she was sick of seeing me in big baggy clothes all of the time! Rude don't you think?

Deb Williams said...

lool I wish some one said my clothes were baggy! I am glad that you are so happy and it is awesome what great progress you are having!