Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bad Weekend!

I know that it has been a couple of days since I have made a post; but I had a BAD weekend! I have been having problems with my lower back and it seems to be getting worse. I have a huge knot on the left side lower back and it is causing me some major grief. Well Saturday night I started having some major spasms and that were so bad I could barley move. I took some heavy duty pain pills and muscle relaxers hoping that in the morning it would feel better. But I no such luck, I got to use the bath room at five in the morning and they started up again. The only thing the drugs and muscle relaxers did for me was make me sleep until twelve.

I eventually started feeling better, I woke up Monday morning not knowing that the day before I was in so much pain. But today I am starting to hurt a little bit; I just keep telling my self one and a half more days to work and then I will have some much needed time off from work. That is if the surgeons lets me have surgery on Monday. I don't know why he wouldn't but you never know.

The diet is still going good; but I am too the point that I am getting sick of everything that I can eat. But it isn't too much of a problem because I am not very hungry these days. I think that my stomach has shrunk some; so that is a good thing and I don't get as hungry as often.

I am really excited about surgery, it is so close and the light is at the end of the tunnel and it is such a relief. I have been working so hard for this and I am glad to be at the end of it. I appreciate all of you who read my blog, and post comments to help support and encourage me. It means allot too me. I love all you and thanks for the prayers and thoughts!

Ronda Gardner


Deb Williams said...

I hate it when your Bacck freaks out! Talk about taking you out of commission! p us informed I know that you might not be able to do much soon but make Mark blog:D Love ya...thanks for all your support and help over the last feww weeks I know it isnt all fun...I am sure you think I am pretty annoying at times! LOL I just tend to have a lot of questions!!! any way know that I appreciate your patience with me!

my--four--sons said...

That sucks about your back! You will have to let us know how things progress for you.