Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Journey….

I have been blogging since the fifth of January; I’ve talked about the good times and the highs; I’ve also talked about the hard times and the lows. I never thought for a moment that this was going to be an easy road that I had decided to take; I did now that it would be worth it in the long.

My doctor’s office referred me to Dr. Belnap for a consultation for a Gastric Bypass; it took me a while to make the call. This was a major decision that I was making and it was a life changing one, something not to be entered into lightly. I am a religious person; and when there is something of great importance that I need help with I turn to God to help me to know that I am doing the right thing or that what I am wanting to do it right. I prayed about having a Gastric Bypass for a month before I got my answer and I knew for asurety that this was the road that I should be taking.

I remember the night that I went to meet with Vikki and Dr. Belnap for the first time; I was nervous and I didn’t know what to expect. I got up there and filled out my paper, talked to some of the people who were up there for the same reason. A couple of them were self pay and were scheduling there surgeries that night, and I have to admit that I was jealous; I am glad that I had insurance that would pay for my surgery but at the same time I wasn’t looking forward to the year a head of me. Lost of test and blood work but you know everything went really fast and surprisingly well. I was approved for my surgery ten months after I started.

I know that I am glad that I chose to go to Dr. Belnap; even though I had to loose forty-seven pounds before I had surgery. He told me when I went up for my pre-operative appointment that it may take me a few months but that I could do it; he asked me how one went about loosing weight (I a pro at that) I went on 100 grams of proteins 20 grams of carbohydrates, no sugar, no carbonated beverages (my own choice) no bread, pasta, rice or potatoes. This diet works; I was tiered and ornery and I had the shakes and was nauseated a lot, but I got enough weight off in seven weeks to have surgery. He also told me that the weight loss was to help him be able to get in there to do what he has to do; and to help me it made my recovery so much easier than my other friends that have had the surgery.

THIS IS POSSIBLE! It can be done I did it, I walked out of my appointment that night told my husband that I wasn’t disappointed and that I was going to loose this weight as fast as possible.

Here is a sample of how I ate when I was preparing for surgery.

I would have a soft boiled egg, 12 g protein
I would have Canadian bacon with that
And a glass a milk

I would chew on raw almonds if I needed something in between meals, they sit in your stomach and help fill you longer and they are a good source of protein.

I would have tune, 20 g protein
Cottage cheese, 12 g protein
String cheese, 6 g protein
And then I would have green veggies with it because green veggies are good for you.

Some kind of chicken or turkey (tried not too eat too much red meat)
Veggies again
Cottage cheese

Drink lots and lots of water it is good for you in more ways than you can know!

I know that I really focused hard on proteins and some days I felt like all I was doing was eating; but one week after surgery I had lost thirteen pounds and I was excited and rearing to go.

I want every one to know that is thinking about this surgery; or is getting ready for surgery that it is worth it, I can’t tell you that it was easy but I will tell you that it was worth it. In six months I have lost one hundred and forty three pounds and I feel so amazing. The women that I am now I never thought that I would get the chance to be.

Having a Gastric Bypass saved my life; and Dr. Belnap played a major roll that. I am so grateful for the new life that I have been given; I have already done things that I never thought that I would do. So just hang in there I know that you can do it, remember its not easy but it is worth every tear, every loud out burst and every frustration that you feel; because the feeling of that weight melting off is the most amazing feeling in the world. So keep your chin up and keep on keeping on! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!


Deb Williams said...

was taht for me??? if Yes thank you! so raw almonds...not smoked or salted in any way? I like most of the stuff you said I htink I might try and eat thos thing you said and see what i would do.

Can you put this one you worte on the other blog i think every one needs to hear this!!!

Love you


Deb Williams said...

seriously do I have disliexia???