Monday, April 21, 2008

Feeling Good, But Tired!

I am so glad that I am doing as good as I am doing. Every once in a while I have a bad day or I eat something that my stomach just doesn't like; but those days are far and few in between so I am doing good. To day I did eat some crackers with my lunch that my stomach did not like; but that confuses me because the last time I ate them I did fine. So I think that they were just too dry today. So I will just wait a few more Day before I try them again. Let me tell you I hate throwing up, but it is far worse when you have to through up at work.

I got on the scale Saturday and have lost another three pounds; for some reason I think that my weight loss should be a little bigger than what it is, but at the same time I can complain because I am still loosing. I have friends that have had this surgery and about this time they were plateaued and weren't loosing anything; and I have lost consistent since January 19th. I don't want any one to think that I am complaining because I'm not; I just thought that the weight loss would be bigger for longer and it is just frustrating to me. I thought that I would loose more than I am. I am happy thought with what I am loosing; because as of right now I have lost more weight than I have ever lost in my whole life. So I am happy with what ever little bit that it is each week.

I keep promising that I am going to have my dad take a new picture of me, I am going to this week I promise. I guess that you can really tell know how much weight I have lost; but I have to tell you that I can't tell a differance but that is okay.

Well I am going to go so I can go to the gym and get my butt kicked by my areobics instructor. I was bad and didn't go on saturdaybecause I was sick to my stomach. I am going to try and blog a little more often this week, because there are some funny thoughts that run through my head right now. I love you all and appretiate all the love and support and hope that all of you know how much it means too me.

Thank You!
Ronda Gardner


my--four--sons said...

I know it's hard when you don't see the weight soming off like you want but you are still losing and that is awesome. It will be off before you know it. Keep it up!

Deb Williams said...

I think that you are loosing still because you are putting in an effort to excersize not every one does it so much i think you are doing great! I am pretty sure that you are now smaller than me! That is so exciting! you are so amazing keep the fantabulous job!