Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I was Victorious

I just wanted to make a small post and let every one know, that after days of fretting about going up and weighing in I finally bite the bullet and did it.

By watching my Proteins (100 g.) a day and my Carbohydrates (25 g) a day; cutting sugar and carbination out of my diet I lost 13 pounds in 10 days. I was so excited that I almost burst!

So this next week I am going to step it up and actually try exersicing and see how I do then.
I just wanted to share my exciting news with every one; and thank the few of you who look at my blog every day for your support. It means alot too me.



Unknown said...

Will says, "You go Girl!"

I think this is great! Come to my weights class, if your going to be exercising you might as well do it with some friends! Friday at 11:30!

When is your surgery? (you mentioned that in your email)

my--four--sons said...

That is awesome!!!

Deb Williams said...

WOO HOO...I know how hard this is and I know that even a pound makes you feel good...but 13 makes you do back hand flips...and all to soon you could be able to do those...power to the cousin! your the WOMAN!