Saturday, May 31, 2008


More powerful than the will to win is the courage to begin.

Dale Carnegie: Determination Quotations
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.

Norman Vincent Peale: Determination Quote
If you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. Then never, never, never give up.

Willie Mays: Determination Quote
In order to excel, you must be completely dedicated to your chosen sport. You must also be prepared to work hard and be willing to accept constructive criticism. Without a total 100 percent dedication, you won't be able to do this.

A diamond is a chunk of coal that made good under pressure.

Orison Swett Marden: Determination QuotesA will finds a way.

Self-determination is fine but needs to be tempered with self-control.

Italian Proverb: Inspirational Quotes about Determination
To him who is determined it remains only to act.

Tommy Lasorda: Inspirational Quotes on Determination
The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination.

Colin Powell: Inspirational Quotes on Determination
The freedom to be your best means nothing unless you are willing to do your best.

Epictetus: Inspirational Quotes on Determination
The good or ill of a man lies within his own will.

William F. Scolavino: Inspirational Quotes on Determination
The height of your accomplishments will equal the depth of your convictions.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

An Advocate….

Amber from my surgeon’s office called me Tuesday afternoon to ask me a question. They have some patients who are getting ready to have surgery; but they have to loose forty pounds before Dr. Belnap with allow them to have surgery. I know that feels because I have been there.

Well Amber called me to ask me if I would be an advocate for there office; if I would be whiling to talk to these patients and try and help them to get on course. Let them know that it is possible and that it can be done because I did it. It was hard I will admit it; but I wanted to have surgery and it isn’t like Dr. Belnap does it to be mean because he doesn’t; he wants to see if you are whiling to follow directions and do everything that is asked of you, and he wants to eliminate the chance of complications. Losing the weight makes things easier for the surgeon because your liver and other organs shrink; and it makes your recovery so much better.

I am really excited that they asked me to do this; I am really looking forward to being able to help some one reach their goals. I know how important it is to some one in my position; I know desperate you feel when you are preparing and the date is getting closer. I have been there and I know how hard it is. I know how hard it is just too loose weight. It is the most horrible feeling; it can be so discouraging and so difficult to stay motivated and to stay strong and keep doing what it is that you are supposed to do.

I know that it really helped me a lot when I was going to weight watchers to write down my goals for the week. Some weeks they would stay the same and some times they would change; but I always focused my goals on things that I was struggling with. I also found and used inspirational thoughts and quotes. I found that this also helped me a lot too.
Two of the quotes that I really liked and used a lot are “I can do hard things” and then the one that I really like is “A journey of a thousands miles begins with one step” I had that written down where I could always see it.

So I talk to Amber about my weight loss slowing down and she told me not to worry about it; she also told me to change my exercise routine they want me to start doing circuits at the gym, they want me to ride the bike for fifteen min then the treadmill for fifteen minutes and do that until I get forty five minutes on each machine. Last night I did the random mode on the bike it was up and down hill, I also had it set on level ten so you can say that I got a good work out. I went sixty minutes I went twelve miles got my heart rate up to one hundred and seventy one and burned four hundred and twenty five calories. When I got down my hair was dripping with sweat and I felt great.

All I can say for those of you who are trying too loose weight try to switch things up; don’t continue to do the same things. Add more water to your diet; I was told that you should drink at least a gallon of water a day. Keep your head up and keep on keeping on; things will get easier one day and the weight will start coming off again.

Thank you all for the love and support!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Weigh in Day…

I am a little nervous to weigh tomorrow; I have had a good week even though I have added a meal to my day and I have been drinking protein drinks which have really been helping me more than anything. I have added vegetable to my diet and I think that; that has been helping a lot too, getting some extra vitamins.

Wednesday when I went to the gym I rode the exercise bike like I have been doing the last couple of weeks. Well I decided to put the envelope a little bit and I went an hour instead of fifty minutes; I got my heart rate up to one hundred and sixty three and I felt amazing. About twenty minutes into my work out I was getting really tired and my legs were starting to hurt and I just kept telling my self to push through it. I did and it felt great after words; I actually sweated on Wednesday when I worked out my shirt down the back was soaked. I also burned four hundred calories; I am not sure if it is because of the work out on Wednesday night or the stuff that I have been drinking but I urinated like crazy yesterday. I know they say that the high you get your heart rate the better then work out you get and the more fat you burn.

I am looking forward to going to the gym tomorrow; I really like going even though there are times that I really have to force my self to leave the house and go but after I get there it is great. It makes me feel good; I feel like I am contributing to my weight loss even though I haven’t lost a lot the last few weeks. I am hoping that I will get through this slump soon and start going down again.

This is the most weight that I have ever lost in my entire life at once. When I stop to think about how much weight I have lost since January 19, 2008 it still blows my mind; I can’t believe that I have lost ninety three pounds this year. I am doing well and I feel great; it is really weird I didn’t know that I had such a long neck, and my bottom is really getting smaller and it makes me very happy.

Well there is a lot more that I could talk about right now but I need to get ready to take Mark to the Dentist. I will Blog again late. I hope that you all have a good night and god bless you all. Thank you all for the love and support.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Potato and Mexi Turkey Sauté

6 servings3 medium potatoes, baked, cut in half and kept warm
1 pound lean ground turkey
1 teaspoon canola oil
¼ cup fresh tomatoes, chopped
¼ cup fresh onions, chopped
¼ cup tomato sauce
½ teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon onion powder
½ teaspoon chili powder
¼ teaspoon cumin
¼ teaspoon black pepper
½ teaspoon salt

In a large sauté pan over medium high heat add oil. Once oil is hot add onion and tomatoes and sauté for 3 minutes. Add turkey and spices and sauté over medium heat for 5 minutes, drain any access fat. Next add tomato sauce and bring to a low simmer and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and keep warm until ready to serve.

200 calories, 17 grams protein, 6 grams fat (1.5 grams saturated), 45 mg cholesterol, 20 grams carbohydrate, 2 grams fiber, 310 mg sodium

Recipe By: Chef Dave

What a Difference!

On Monday morning I starting drinking Isagenics protein shakes and there Ionic Supreme (there vitamins and minerals) and I can’t believe how much better I feel; I have had so much energy and have been so alert and I have just felt great. It amazes me I have not felt this good since I had surgery I love the way that feel this week.

I know that I have been trying to listen to my body and giving it what it needs; yesterday I had a difficult time at the gym, I didn’t think that I was going to make it. I was tired after a long day and work and I didn’t get a chance to relax after work before I went to the gym; I had a lot of errands to run I was going ALL DAY! I was so tired last night when I went to bed I slept so heavy that I didn’t hear my alarm go off.

I don’t really have a lot to say right now only that I feel GREAT! Let me see how the gym goes tomorrow; I will get on and blog later this week I love you all and thanks for the support; and for reading my blog!


Sunday, May 18, 2008


This is me on January 19, 2008 the day after I met with Dr. Belnap for my pre-op. He told me that he wanted me to loose fourty pounds before surgey. In this photo I weighed four hundred and seventeen pounds and was miserable.
This picture was taken on May 13, 2008 I am eight weeks post-op and now weigh three hundred and twenty seven pounds. I feel like a new person and every one keeps telling me that I am going to feel better and better the more weight that comes off. I wasn't going to tell any one how much a weighed just yet but that is behind me and I want people to see the differance in me and too see how well I am doing. I am not ashamed of my self I am pround of how far I have come and how well I am doing. I am glad that I had the surgery; and would not go back and do any thing differantly.

I am putting two pictures here; the one they took of me when I first started my diet to prepare for surgery and the one that was taken last Sunday. There is a Ninety Two pound difference between the two pictures. It feels good to be able to look in the mirror and see the difference in my self; my double chin is gone; my dimples are more defined infact the other day I was told that every day I look more and more like my mother. That in its self makes me very happy; I look like Grandma Tom (Hard) but I also have some of my mothers features; I look like two of the most beautiful women in the world.

Still Trying to Figure Things Out….

I have been a little concerned lately that my weight loss has been slow; I know that most of you think that I am crazy because it is May and I have lost 92 pounds, but the thing is, is my weight loss should be huge. I should be loosing crazy weight right now and despite what people think I am not loose that fast.

I went to the gym yesterday morning and I think that I at 12 grams of protein and 20 calories; well while I was at the gym I burned over three hundred calories and I thought that I was going to die yesterday. I would eat something and it seemed like that with in a couple of hours my body was telling me that I need more full. I was not hungry but I needed fuel because I was weak. So I called my friend Jackie and we were talking and she said that it sounds like my body is in starvation mode and that if I don’t get out of that mode I am going to be a slow looser and I will not hit my goal in a year. I am only allowed three meals a day and at each meal I am allowed two ounces of food; I think that I (even though my surgeon says avoid it) am going to start adding a protein shake to my diet. I may do two on the days that I go to the gym; because those are the days that I really suffer a lot.

I was watching a program the other day and they said that if you burn more calories than you eat in a day that you are guaranteed to loose weight. I love riding the exercise bike at the gym it is fun, I feel like I get a good work out and I feel good when I leave the gym. Yesterday I rode for an hour and ten minutes man was my face beat red when I was done. I was reading a article in a magazine that said find something that you enjoy doing and stick to it. Do that every time you work out; so I think that I am going to stick to the bike for a while, besides I can read while I am on the bike and that will help me go through some of the books that I am reading. Last year I read one hundred and fifty books this year I want to read more than that but I don’t think that it is going to happen. We will see; I also want to read more this year than last year, I only read thirty five and the rest were audio books so we will see what happens this year.

I just have a lot on my mind right now concerning the diet and getting enough calories and proteins and not being in starvation mode and just being able to be a big looser and being able to hit my goal. This has always been my dream to loose my weight and to be able to be the best and healthiest person that I can be. Right now I am just afraid that it may not happen; I want to be under two hundred I don’t care if I only get down to a hundred and ninety that is better than anything I have ever been.

I feel like I deserve this; I deserve the best that life can give me; but it is very difficult and I am going to earn every pound that I loose. I heard people say all the time that having a gastric bypass is the cheaters way out to loosing weight; but I have to tell you that is by far the hardest way I have ever lost weight in my life. I have try many different diets and never have I felt as deprived as I do right now. It is funny because I don’t want candy or ice cream or stuff like that; I am craving fruits and vegetables and I still have to be easy with what I eat. My mom things that it might be because summer is coming and during the summer time we eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. They want me to wait till I am about four months out before I start adding raw vegetables; I am not sure when I can start adding fresh fruit. I need to call the surgeons office tomorrow and ask a few questions; there are some things that I am a little curious about.

I want to be a success story! I want people to look at me and say wow if she can do it then so can I. I have read so many stories the last week that have opened my eyes and made me thing wow if that person can loose that much weight then I can loose what I have to loose; I don’t have nearly as much. But I need to start learning how to listen to my body and give it what it needs; because right now I am not doing to well.

Oh I have noticed that the last few weeks I want to be out side and in the sun. My body is craving the sun light and it is crazy; some one told me that you get some vitamins and minerals from the sun maybe that is why but my body just soaks it up when I am out that. I don’t mind being a little more either; I absolutely can not stand getting cold any more which is crazy in its self.

Well these are just a few of the things that are on my mind right now; if I went on with everything this post would be about fifteen pages and not all of what I am thinking is that important. Thank you all for the love and support it means a lot too me. This journey is one of the most difficult that I have been on and I am glad that I have family and friends that support me and love me and are willing to help through the good and bad times. It means a lot to me; I love you all and god bless you this week!


Thursday, May 15, 2008

What a Day….

I have been working eight and a half hour weeks the last couple of weeks because I have had to take time off from work to go to the temple last week with my grandmother, and then I had to leave work Monday to take Mark to the doctor; tomorrow I have to leave early because I have an appointment with my Dr, Larsen for my left shoulder it is flared up again and it is killing me. I am so tired I am barely getting my behind out of bed in time to get ready for work and run out the door; the mornings after I have gone to the gym are even worse, but it is worth it because I feel better after I have gone and worked out. I just feel like a walking zombie; but I am sure that things will get better I just have to be patient and let things come in there time.

Well today at work I had this lady come up to me at lunch time and say to me; “Wow Ronda you are starting to look good, but not as good as Laureen” I looked at her and said as nicely as possible “I don’t know how we have lost the same amount of weight, and its only been eight weeks since I had surgery and she had surgery six months ago.” She acted as though she didn’t believe me; I just sat there thinking that I had felt like I was starting to look good before I had surgery, but maybe I didn’t. Granted Laureen was smaller than me when she had surgery; but that shouldn't make much of a differance.

Well then after work to night a lady at work named Marie; she is this sweet like Hispanic sister cam over to me and told me that I was always beautiful, and that now I am turning into a sexy lady and she is very happy for me. It makes me feel really good about my self when people pay me compliments. I don’t expect them but it is nice to hear that people are noticing the changes in you.

I went through my closet and through out a whole bunch of clothes; I used to wear big baggy shirts and to tell you that I really didn’t care what I looked like. I did every thing to hide myself from the world; I didn’t want any one to really see me, but now that I have lost weight I want people to see me. It seems weird to me but I like to look nice; I feel good about my self and that is a feeling that I am not used to feeling. I like the changes that I am under going there are great and I know that they are only going to get better.

I am glad that I made the decision to have this surgery; there are times that I wish I wouldn’t have but I would never go back and not do it. This was the best thing that I could have done for myself and I am glad that I did; it feels really good to be down almost a hundred pounds. I thank god every day that I had a family that supported my choice and a husband that loves me, and the fact that I had the best surgeon in the Midwest. I couldn’t have asked for it to be any better.

I want to thank all of you who read my blog every day (few that you are) for the love and support that all of you give me. It has helped keep me strong and going; I do have days when I want to through in the rag and call it quits but being healthy and living a long life is more important to me than eating a piece of pizza (Mmmm I loved pizza). I am going to succeed and in a year from now I am going to be skinny and no one is going to recognize me. Thank you all again I love you all you are the best!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Here Are The Pictures I Keep Promising

I think that I look horrible but I am looking better! I am close to my 100 mark and I am very excited!

Hallies Way Cute Hair...

My sister Sarah had Her daughter Hallies hair braided for the summer and I think that it is really cute. I just thought that I would post picks on here for those of you who know her can see what her cute hair looks like. She loves it!

Grandma's Big Day at The Temple

Me with my grandmother out side the Mount Timanogas Temple

This is my cousin Jason and his wife Rainee (don't know how to spell it) they are a really cute couple and very sweet together. They are expecting there first baby and my grandmother is very excited.
Rayetta Louise Brown

This is a picture of all the women that went to the temple with my grandmother. She has a lot of women in her ward that really care about her and that makes me very happy.

This is some of the family that went to the temple with grandma brown
Grandma Brown with my mom on the left Connie Hard, Christina Olsen on the right, and Wanda perry next to her.
Aunt Wanda and Grandma

Aunt Christina and Grandma

My mother and grandma (with my big butt in the picture)

I will blog about this day a little later when I have more time.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


No one understands me,
And the way I feel inside.
I'm hiding in a cocoon,
And I'm running blind.

I hate myself that way I am
I hate the world with its ideas,
And the message that it sends
I wish that I could just fade away.

I want to feel differently,
But I'm finding it very hard.
I'm screaming at the top of my lungs,
But no one around me can hear.

Knives are slitting at my wrist,
And I've got shards of glass in my heart.
Is that why I feel dead inside,
Emotionally I'm falling apart.

I'm mentally unstable,
This I'm willing too admitted.
I'm sorry that I feel this way,
I'm sorry I'm such a bitch.

I wish that I felt differently,
I wish that I wasn't in such pain.
I know I'm making you hate me,
I'll get better, just give me some space.

I need my time to cope,
With all these thoughts in my head
Don't push me to be what I can't,
Just love me and be by my side.

Right now I need a friend,
Some one I know who will be there.
Some one I know I can talk too,
Who will lend a listening ear!

So please understand when I say this,
It not you why I'm trying too hide.
It's from my self and the world around me,
With its pointing and Judgmental eyes!

Self love is something I don't have,
For you I feel nothing but.
I promise I'll come around soon,
I don't know why I'm so scared.

I'm running from a shadow,
One I've created myself.
I can't get away from my torment,
It knows my every thought.

HELP ME! Can you hear my pleas?
Why won't you go away?
You know what I want and need,
I'm struggling and fighting,

From these feelings I can't escape.
I think that I'm close too insane!
My chest is tight, I'm feeling anxious,
AM I MAD?????

Looks at these things that I am saying,
This really can't be good.
I think may be I need some help,
I think that I'd better get it soon!

Ronda May
Jan 12, 2003

My Shoulder is flared up Again…..

My Shoulder is flared up Again…..

I don’t know why or how but my shoulder is flared up again and this time it is so bad I can barely move my left arm. So when I went to the gym last night; I rode a stationary bike instead of doing water aerobics and I enjoyed it so much more. While I was riding it I read my book; I am reading Diana Gabaldon’s book “Out Lander” really good book I love it, if you like romance novels (which I don’t) you will like it. The one thing about the book that got me is that it is set in the Scottish Highlands in the 1700’s and it is historically correct and I love every page. I love historic novels; especially if they are set in Scotland, I want to live there some day. Any ways as I was saying I read the book as I was riding the time just flew; I rode for fifty minutes I went six miles burned two hundred calories (more than I eat) and got my heart rate up to one hundred and thirty three.

It was refreshing to do something different; and I actually felt like I got a better work out than when I do water aerobics, besides the fact that sitting on that seat makes my bottom hurt and next time I go I am going to take a pillow with me to sit on. Man it isn’t fun riding a stationary bike when you’re behind hurts. I am going to start rotating between the bikes and the tread mills. I am looking to up my weight loss again because it has really slowed down.

I know that people get upset with me when I say that but I don’t think that they realize that my weight loss right now is supposed to be huge and it is not. What I loose the first four to six months is all that I am going to loose for the last six months. So if I only loose sixty pounds; I am only going to loose one hundred and twenty pounds total and to get to my goal right now I still have a lot to loose. Besides I should be doing everything that I can to help accelerate my weight loss and helping my self as much as possible.

I know that I have been posting some good advice on here the last little while but if any one out there has any thing that they have done that has helped them; I would love to hear what ever it is that you have done. I am open to suggestions and advice; this is a life change for me and I need to learn how to maintain and do what ever I can to make this easier on my self.

Thank you all for the love and support; it is much appreciated I love you all.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

I Feel Really Lazy This Week……

I have had a bad week; I haven’t really felt that great I have been tired and really run down. I didn’t go to the Gym once this week and that makes me feel really lazy. So I am going to make some changes to my diet that I think will help me get over this rough patch that I am in.

I know that I have not completely hit a plateau; but I have really hit a slump. This past week I only lost one pound and that is very frustrating. I know they say that if you always do the same things that your body is going to get used to what you are doing and you aren’t going to loose. So I have decided that this week I am going to walk at work during lunch, that will give me thirty minutes of walking in and hopefully I will get to where I can walk a mile or more in that time. Then when I go to the gym I am going to rotate the day I go; one day I am going to ride the bikes and then the next day I am going to walk on the treadmill.

I have got to get over this slump that I am in; I am also going to start making sure that I journal everything that I eat and keep track of everything. I need to start watching everything to see what I am doing and what I need to do to change things to help my self loose weight. I know that I also need to start drinking more water and that will also help me loose weight as well. I know that water is good for you but I really am having a very hard time right now drinking it. I really am trying but it is really hard; I do well until I eat lunch and after lunch I have a difficult time with getting enough water.

Here are some of the benefits of drinking water:

Improve your energy
Increase your mental and Physical Performance
Remove Toxins and waste products from your body
Keep skin healthy and glowing
Help you loose weight
Reduces headaches and dizziness
Allow for proper digestion
Help you keep more alkaline

Tips for drinking water:

You are naturally thirsty i.e. “dehydrated” in the morning . . . help your body flush out the toxins it has been processing all night and take advantage of this thirst to get a “leg up” on your daily water requirements by drinking a glass of water first thing.

If you are cold drink warm water instead of dehydrating coffee & tea

Don't wait until you're thirsty to have a drink – you are already dehydrated if you feel thirsty.

Set a timer to remind yourself to establish a habit of drinking water and keep a bottle of water with you at all times.

Compensate for diuretics . . . thieves that steal water from your body. If you drink coffee, tea, or sodas with caffeine, you'll need to drink a few extra glasses of water to make up for the water that these diuretic beverages "leech" from your system.

I know that I have a hard time getting into good habits for drinking water; I know that I feel better when I drink lots of water. I hope that the tips that I found help every one out. Any time I come across good information that helps me I will pass it on to every one. I know that not every one needs to loose weight; but every one needs to develop healthier habits for every day life.

Thank you all for reading my blog and for the love and support that all of you have shown me; it means a lot to me!


Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Am a Slacker…..

Everyday I come home from work with the intentions of blogging and then it never happens. I usually end up lying down and taking a nap or I am too lazy to move the stuff away from my computer so that I can get too it. So I haven’t been blogging because there isn’t any thing to say; I am just too lazy too do it. Because there are so many things that I could say I just haven’t done it.

Things are still going great; I can’t believe that tomorrow I am going to be Seven weeks out. Can you believe that seven weeks ago I had this surgery? Wow it has gone so fast, the crazy thing is that I already feel so great I can’t imagine what I am going too feel like in four months. I can’t wait to see what I look like, I know that I have said it before I can’t wait to see what I am going to look like when I am skinny. It is going to be nice; I have had a change in mind set over the past few weeks; I like to make my self look nice I like to dress up and look pretty. I want people to notice me when I am out in public.

I just feel so good about my self I want people to see that. It really makes me feel good when people tell me that I look good; and that I am doing a great job. I can tell you that this has not been the easiest thing that I have ever done. It is been rather hard but I can honestly tell you that it has been worth everything that I have gone through. I am going to have a chance to live life to the fullest and hopefully do some of the things that I have always been dreaming of doing.

It is the simple things that people take for granted that I am looking forward to the most. I can’t wait until I can go out side and play Soccer with my nephews or go hiking with my husband. It is so nice to be able to go out and walk around and not get winded or after about five ten minutes of walking being so tired that I am done and ready to go home. I can’t wait to go to the zoo this summer with my nieces and nephews when my best friend Jackie is here with her girls.

I am thinking about not doing water aerobics for a little while; I haven’t gone this week yet because I haven’t felt well and I have noticed that I have not been nearly as itchy since I haven’t gone. Gold’s Gym puts so much Chlorine in there pool that it eats my skin and it drives me crazy, I even shower before I leave the gym and it doesn’t help at all. I want to start doing Pilates I have been told that they work really good; I have also been told that they are really hard but I want to do anything that I can so that I don’t have to have plastic surgery to have any skin removed. I am not vain but I do not want to have to deal with extra skin; I think that if it isn’t too bad that I won’t worry about it. No one but me and my husband are going to see me naked so I don’t even care.

Mark loves me just the way that I am so that and that makes all this that much easier. He told me before I had surgery that I didn’t have to do this for him; which is really good because I didn’t do this for him I did it for me. But it makes me feel very good to know that he loves me as I am and the he loves me unconditionally. I am really lucky I have a wonderful loving and gentle husband; some times I don’t think that I deserve him because I can be very difficult to live with. I am trying very hard to be a sweet loving wife and I have to tell you that I am not very good at it. I hope that he knows that I love him and I am so grateful that he is mine.

Thank you all for the love and support that I have received from all of you. I don’t think that I will ever been able to thank you all enough. You are all wonderful!

Ronda Gardner